Provision Servers with FlyWP
No need to sign up separately with DigitalOcean. We’ve partnered with them to simplify your server provisioning and billing, all at the same pricing as DigitalOcean.
Straight to Hosting
FlyWP takes care of server provisioning and management. Launch and manage your WordPress sites with ease.
Backed by DigitalOcean Server
Your server runs on DigitalOcean, a leading cloud provider, without needing a separate account.
Simple Billing, No Surprises
Enjoy full transparent server billing through your FlyWP account. Experience WordPress on cloud hosting with simplified payment.
Choose Server Specs, We’ll Handle the Rest
Why manage multiple billing, when you can manage all just with FlyWP? Pick your suitable server region, storage size, and hosting type. We will take care of the rest.